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Sound of Mull 2024

Text & Photos:Keith Waugh

10 members of Clydebank Sub Aqua Club plus 2 guests, had a great weekend of Diving in the Sound of Mull. Our annual trip was set up by Andrew Sinclair, but owing to work commitments he had to pull out, so Gordon Anderson took over the organisation. We stayed at Highland Basecamp, formerly known as the Lochaline Dive Centre, in Lochaline, where we enjoyed comfortable bunk rooms, sleeping 2 per room plus a very comprehensively fitted out self catering kitchen and a large lounge area. Every bunk room has its own toilet and shower room.


On Saturday morning, at the crack of 08:30, we enjoyed a slightly bumpy ride up to Auliston Point in Loch Sunnart to dive the sheer wall which is always covered in vivid life, in particular the Redfinger soft corals, "Dead men's finger" soft corals and anemones.

There was another group of divers, also staying at Highland Basecamp, who were on the Hispania before us, but despite the numbers, the fish life, mainly large Ballan wrasse and Pollock, did not seem too upset at this mass intrusion!

The diving was courtesy of Lochaline Boat Charters owned and operated by (Malcolm) Cameron McNeill, a very experienced skipper with the Dive boat "Peregrine".

Upon arrival on Friday evening, most of us dived the east side of the Lochaline Pier, where the bottom is at around 60metres ..... give or take!

Saturday lunchtime found us in Tobermory. The fish & chip shop owner was very upset that Andrew could not make it!!!


Saturday afternoon found us on the famous, colourful, fish covered and brilliant Hispania. A bit of a current on the wreck and the visibility was not so good, only around 4metres. Apparently there had recently been dredgers in the area!! Nevertheless, I certainly recognised various parts of the superstructure, the winch gear up at the bows and the companionways, covered in orange soft corals, Plumose anemones and red seaweeds.

Sunday morning and an 08:30 start again (for goodness sake) and we were off to the Rondo, another famous and well dived wreck. I hadn't been on Rondo for about 10 years,(shock-horror!!) but it was still where we left it! A great dive again only slightly marred owing to the reduced visibility, but no current, so that was a bonus.

Rondo lies on the north-east side of Dearg Sgier between around 8metres and 50metres. The most interesting part, from a photography point of view, is the stern where the propellor used to be installed. Divers can be framed in the kelp covered steelworks.

Sunday afternoon found us on the deep wall near the site of the John Preston Slate wreck, before heading the short distance back to Lochaline and the long trek home.

An excellent weekend, with the usual "wit" & "crack", very loud "wit" & "crack", topped off with the sighting of 3 Sea Eagles. They 3 of them sat in the sun for around an hour.


Thanks again to Gordon Anderson for organisation of the trip, to John Morgan, our Branch Diving Officer, for organising the dive parties and to Malcolm, "Peregrine" skipper, for counting us all out and counting us all back!! No one threw up on the boat, so that was another bonus!!!

The party consisted of Gordon Anderson, John Morgan, Michelle Morgan, David Richford, Brian Tierney, Niall Brittain, Jemma Anderson, Gordon Kirkcaldy, John McNealis, Keith Waugh plus guests Paul Doyle and Peter Gunn.

Seal Island, Loch Fyne

14th April 2024

Photos & Text: Keith Waugh

Despite the weather forecast members of Clydebank Sub Aqua Club decided that it was about time we took the boat out for a spin, now that spring has sprung and the long, hot summer days are approaching!! (Aye! Right!)


The venue was the islands in Loch Fyne, known by divers as Seal island, but their Gaelic names are Eilean Aoghainn and Eilean Fraoch. The plan was to dive the deep cliff on the south-east of Eilean Fraoch and then dive the shallower east side of Eilean Aoghainn.


Unfortunately, the far from satisfactory wind and sea conditions would make safe boat cover for the 2nd dive a little hazardous, so we opted for 2 dives at Eilean Fraoch. 


There were not many fish around but the underwater scenery was still worth the effort, with vertical walls coming up from 40 metres and a good covering of still life including sea squirts, fanworms, anemones and soft corals.

The party consisted of John Kerr, John Morgan (BDO) Michelle Morgan, Gordon Anderson, David Ryrie, Gordon Kirkcaldy, Stuart McKechnie, Don Pieris, Keith Waugh.

1st Dive of 2024!!

Text & above water photos by Gordon Kirkcaldy

Underwater photos by Jemma Anderson

A cold, dark and foggy 7am start from the Clydebank Club hut on Sunday 7th January but a great day with Andy, Stuart, Jemma and John. We all braved a very cold -3°c at Carnoch Bay, Ballachulish, Loch Leven for the first dive of the year for some Clydebanksac members at least!! The weather was very cold, as was the water, but the sun was shining and the banter was flowing. Two great dives. Thanks to Andy for suggesting this site. A first for most of us and won't be the last.

Beyond the Back of Beyond

Gerry Regan

If you’ve ever wondered what lies beyond the back of beyond let me tell you that its name is Sheigra. A tiny hamlet of sturdy dwellings rooted in the rocks and turf 4.5 miles west of Kinlochbervie. Here you will find the Divelodge accommodation for KLB Diving. Five of Clydebank’s finest had made their way to this isolated spot for 5days of diving in its magnificent coastal waters. It takes around 265 miles from Glasgow and perhaps 50 years back in time to reach Sheigra but it truly was worth the effort. We were joined by 3 other divers who had travelled 600 miles to prove the point.

September 2023

As is always the case on the first morning Tigger and his mates were up and ready for ropes off for a dive in the adjacent sea loch as the stiffening wind precluded a site further out. We needn’t have worried for as soon as we descended the visibility combined with stunning topography made the whole endeavour worthwhile. There was an abundance of life in every location Cuckoo Wrasse in particular. As we were so close to port we powered in for the luxury of a cafe break in the interval. A second dive was just as amazing with huge Crayfish being the star attraction. The journey back to the lodge was punctuated by a visit to the local hostelry which reminded me of the bar in the film “Deliverance” but without the charm.

As the weather improved it allowed us access to further out incredible sites. The Skipper Chris, had an obvious intimate knowledge of the area and an affinity with his clients which provided a seamless progression of magnificent dives. By the Thursday the benign weather was hijacked by a roaring Westerly gale, however the skipper was still able to take the Wildcard out and find a sheltered spot to allow a dive.

Can’t help but mention all the hard work that John Kerr put in to making such a success of this trip. He really was a jack of all trades: cook, victualler, bosun, and master raconteur. Thanks again John.

The highlights of this trip were too many to mention however it would be remiss not to acknowledge the level of witty repartee, Bon Mots, insights, and badinage, none of which can be printed. The legend that is Davie Tigger Ryrie also completed his 200th dive with the club, embellished with a forward roll that resembled a bad case of dysentery in action. Davie Richford also tested the surface tension with an innovative face first entry off the dive lift. Of my own unique head first entry one word- ouch!

Dive sites;


1. Eilan Dubh, Skate dive,

2. 100mtrs in from 1st dive

3. Roin 1

4. Roin 2, 150mtrs further west

5. Crayfish Dive. Back of Sheagra.

6. Bhopal tragate.

7. Creagh Mhor, 2.

8. Creagh Mhor, 3,

Diving was through KLB Diving.

Facebook DiveKLB.

Here is a short video shot by Ian Hicks, edited & produced


John Kerr

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