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Diver Training

You must be at least 14 years old to learn to SCUBA Dive with Clydebank Sub Aqua Club

SCUBA Diving is an exciting, adventure sport which will open up a whole new underwater world to you, but it requires a certain degree of mental and physical maturity. However, once you have joined the British Sub Aqua Club and

Clydebank Sub Aqua Club, completed a Medical Declaration, and purchased your chosen Diving Course, your diving training will take place in the safety of the swimming pool at the Clydebank Leisure Centre. After the basic 200 metres swimming assessment you will learn the various techniques of SCUBA Diving in your Course. All the time you will be safely gaining experience and confidence in this three-dimensional underwater world. Your training and experience will be recognised throughout the World. Eventually, when you are ready, you will continue your training in the sea at well known diving locations. It won’t be too long before you are broadening your experience all around Scotland and perhaps other parts of the World.   

There is a great deal of gear to learn how to use, and techniques to perfect,  but don’t worry, we all had to learn, and before long you will be very familiar with terms like “Basic Equipment”, “Demand Valve”, “Dive Computer”, BCD and “Drysuit”. 

Diving trips are organised on most weekends, weather permitting and sometimes on week days. We often have a few weekends away throughout the year, usually May and September. Some members dive all year round, even though the water can be a little cool in the middle of Winter. Others go off to the Red Sea, the Med or perhaps the Caribbean for a week or two. There is always somewhere in the world where you can enjoy excellent diving all year round. Of course the best times in Scotland are from April to October when the days are longer, the water is warmer and the weather somewhat kinder.

We try to dive many areas around Scotland, but being a west coast Club, most of our diving takes place in the west, however we make summer visits across to Eyemouth and St.Abbs in the South-east of Scotland. We sometimes visit the Sound of Mull, famous for its wrecks and probably one of the best diving localities in the UK. On our doorstep we have the sea lochs of Loch Long, Loch Goil, Loch Fyne and Loch Leven.

Diving Certification Training Programme

At Clydebank Sub Aqua Club we offer a comprehensive range of BSAC Scuba Diving Courses.

Our Branch Diving Officer and the Instructor Team will be pleased to discuss all aspects of your training.

To learn to scuba dive using compressed air breathing equipment, you must be at least 14 years old.

If you are under 16 years old, a parent or guardian MUST be present at ALL training sessions.

BSAC Course Prices

To see the range of BSAC Diver Training Courses and the Prices, login to "MyBSAC" with your Username & Password


Then click this link:


or this link: 

PLEASE Check BSAC Website for Up To Date Prices

These prices are in addition to your membership fees to BSAC & CSAC

How do I proceed?

You will have joined BSAC and joined Clydebank Sub Aqua Club and paid the appropriate fees. You can now discuss your training requirements with the Branch Diving Officer (BDO), log on to "MyBSAC" and purchase your Diving Course. As a new member with no previous diving experience, you will be purchasing the "BSAC Ocean Diver" Course.

Present your documents (including the Unique Reference Number) and Training Record to the BDO and your training starts right away.


Please Keep all documentation you receive from BSAC, especially your very important "Unique Reference Number" (URN)

The URN will be required by the Branch Diving Officer to obtain your Diver Qualification from BSAC


If you have any problems, The BDO will be delighted to help you out and get you started.

Diving Course Unique Reference Number (URN)

When you purchase a diving course, such as "Ocean Diver" or "Sport Diver" or any Instructor or Skills Development Course, you will be issued with a "Unique Reference Number" (URN). It is very important that you keep this URN safe. When you successfully complete your Course, the Branch Diving Officer will need your URN to obtain your award from BSAC HQ.

BSAC Ocean Diver

As a new member with no previous diving experience and having completed the 200 metres Swimming assessment, you will learn the basic practical and theoretical skills of scuba diving with the BSAC Ocean Diver Course. You will have the skills to dive safely to a maximum depth of 20 metres.


PLEASE NOTE: You will need to LogIn to "MyBSAC" with your Username and Password before you can access these pages.


BSAC Ocean Diver full details:


Click the link to purchase the BSAC Ocean Diver Course material:


The Course may be purchased in "HARD COPY" or DIGITAL ONLY FORMAT

Diving Medical Form available here:

If any links to the BSAC Website appear to be broken, please notify the Webmaster as soon as possible. Thank you.

BSAC Sports Diver

Having completed the BSAC Ocean Diver Award you will be encouraged to gain further knowledge and experience by purchasing  the BSAC Sports Diver Course. You will have many more skills, including the ability to rescue another diver and dive to a maximum depth of 35 metres. 


PLEASE NOTE: You will need to LogIn to "MyBSAC" with your Username and Password before you can access these pages


BSAC Sports Diver full details:


Click the link to purchase the BSAC Sports Diver Course material:


The Course may be purchased in "HARD COPY" or DIGITAL ONLY FORMAT

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If you wish to gain more knowledge and experience as a diver, Clydebank Sub Aqua Club offers you the opportunity to gain even more advanced diving awards, as well as other skills development. Full details below:


PLEASE NOTE: You will need to LogIn to "MyBSAC" with your Username and Password before you can access these pages

BSAC Dive Leader



BSAC Advanced Diver 


Skills Development Courses cover many aspects of scuba diving, such as Accelerated Decompression procedures, Compressor operation and Boat operations to name a few. Full details of these Courses can only be accessed by BSAC members but take a look at the Courses available at top right under the "Diver Training Progression" chart.

Our training is specifically designed for diving in Northern UK waters and also incorporates Nitrox Diving techniques.


Learning to dive in Clydebank Sub Aqua Club will advance your diving skills within a friendly, safe and sociable environment. 


Take a look at our training diagram at the top right of this page for a more detailed idea of how our training progresses.

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Already a Qualified Diver from another Agency??

Divers from other Sports Diving agencies are very welcome to join us at  Clydebank Sub Aqua Club.


Please take a look at the BSAC Equivalency Chart on the BSAC Website. Our Branch Diving Officer will be pleased to discuss any "cross-over" training requirements.


Nitrox Diving Techniques are built in to the core BSAC Ocean Diver & BSAC Sports Diver Training Programmes.

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