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Membership & Fees

SUMMARY: How to Join BSAC-Clydebank Sub Aqua Club (CSAC): 

We are affiliated to the British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC), so you must join BSAC before you can join us at Clydebank Sub Aqua Club. You will be taught by our Instructors and you will use our Club owned equipment until you are in a position to buy your own equipment.

1     To use compressed air scuba equipment you must be at least 14 years old.  

2     Be able to swim 200 metres in a reasonable time and to a reasonable standard.
3     Contact the Branch Secretary via the "Contact Us" page.
4     Come and see us at the Clydebank Leisure Centre on Wednesday evening at 8pm.
5     Enjoy a "Try-Dive" if you wish, to see if you like Scuba Diving. (Subject to Instructor availability).
6     Complete British Sub Aqua Club Membership & Medical Form and pay the appropriate membership fee.

7     Complete Clydebank Sub Aqua Club Membership & pay the appropriate membership fee. This fee covers use of all our facilities.

8     Purchase your Training Course, usually "BSAC Ocean Diver" for a beginner and start your training with an Instructor.

9     If you are already a trained diver from another agency, you can crossover to an equivalent BSAC qualification.


If you are under 16 years, you MUST be accompanied by a parent or guardian to every training session.

  We will teach you to dive safely, knowledgeably, confidently and open up a whole new underwater world of fun and discovery. 

THE DETAILS: How to join BSAC Clydebank Sub Aqua Club

To join the British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) please do the following:


Go to the British Sub Aqua Club “Home” page at:

Click “Join Now” at top right

Go to “Join via a Club” and click “Join Now”

Enter “Clydebank Sub Aqua Club” and your post code


Continue to follow the instructions to join. If you have difficulties, our Treasurer or Secretary will be pleased to help you.


IMPORTANT NOTE: After you select your type of BSAC membership and click "Next", you will be taken to the "Clydebank" membership fee page.  This will show £0.00. Click it and continue to "Next". In Clydebank Sub Aqua Club, we collect our Club fees separately. Please speak to our Treasurer for our current Annual Fees. Thank You.



New members must also complete a Diving Medical Questionnaire, available here:



Once you have completed membership of our parent body of the BSAC, and completed the Medical Form, you then join


Clydebank Sub Aqua Club (Please See Below) 


Our Treasurer will explain everything to you and assist you with the BSAC Form



Clydebank Sub Aqua Club Membership Fees

Firstly, you join our "parent body", the British Sub Aqua Club,  (BSAC Fees are on their Website)

You then join us at Clydebank Sub Aqua Club, as you will be using our hired swimming pool, our diving equipment and other resources plus the skills and experience of our BSAC Diving Instructors.



At Clydebank Sub Aqua Club there is a Branch Membership Fee, due from mid-late April each year, (currently £110/year charged to all Full members; £165 for Joint members & £55 for Junior Members-See Treasurer for full details of other charges).


New members pay a "one off" Administration Joining Fee" of £10. This fee is only charged for your first year.

These fees are in addition to the annual fee to join the BSAC.


This Clydebank Membership Fee covers all your Training requirements whilst you are training in the pool, including entry to the Clydebank Leisure Centre for the Club sessions for 1 year and the use of diving equipment and compressed air whilst pool training.

All the BSAC Diving Instructors at Clydebank provide their skills and knowledge free of charge. (We have around 40 pool sessions/year).


You also have access to our own premises elsewhere in Clydebank for Lecture Room facilities and storage of personal equipment. 

The annual Membership Fee to join Clydebank Sub Aqua Club is payable from immediately after the Annual General Meeting, which is held in mid to late April each year. If you join later in the year you will be charged on a pro rata basis. 

For example, if you joined in October the Full Membership Fee would be £55 for the rest of the period to the following April.

At Clydebank Sub Aqua Club we are committed to keeping membership costs and diving costs as low as possible.

 (Please Note: Membership Conditions and Fees are correct at May 2024 but may be changed as circumstances require) 

  The Branch Treasurer will ensure you pay the correct Fees.


Diver Training Pack purchase

Finally, once you have joined BSAC & CSAC, you purchase your Diving Course pack from BSAC and you are all set to get started.


In most cases, as a beginner, you will purchase the "Ocean Diver" Training Pack from the BSAC website.




What exactly do I get for my money?

For your British Sub Aqua Club (BSAC) membership you receive:-

  • Membership of an International Club which is the Governing Body for the Sport in the UK.

  • Your BSAC Membership Card and Diving qualifications recognised throughout the World.

  • 3rd Party Liability Insurance Cover whilst diving on Club activities.

  • Access to the comprehensive BSAC Diver Training Programme and other Skills Development Courses.

  • Access to the whole BSAC Website and BSAC Webinars. Many Webinar events are FREE to access online.

  • "SCUBA" magazine-The Journal of the British Sub Aqua Club, published monthly. It is FREE and also available online.

  • Access to "BSAC Plus" which provides discounts for products, goods & services in the High Street.


For your Clydebank Sub Aqua Club (CSAC) membership you receive:-

  • Access to the Clydebank Leisure Centre Pool for your diver training.

  • All diving training tuition from qualified Instructors.

  • All required diving theory lectures relevant to your Diving Course.

  • Compressed air requirements during your pool training. (Normally £2.50/cylinder)

  • Use of Club owned diving equipment in the pool. (There is a small hire charge for the gear for use during Open water diving)

  • Access to all CSAC diving activities up to your diving qualification.

  • Use of the pool for swimming or maintaining your diving skills and practicing diving techniques.

  • Regular updates via E-mail, Whatsapp and this website about Club diving & social activities.

  • The companionship of belonging to a Club with members very willing to offer help and advice if you request it.

  • The opportunity to dive with other experienced club divers and improve your personal diving skills.

As far as Training is concerned, you go at your own pace. Sub Aqua Diving is NOT a competitive Sport. You will be trained to act skilfullyknowledgeably and calmly and to relax underwater. You will develop a great sense of freedom, swimming in a "weightless" environment. Above all, your training will be safe and enjoyable.

During your training you should attend the Club as often as possible.

As with any learning process, it is important to regularly build on your new knowledge and skills.

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Membership Renewal

It is vitally important to renew your BSAC & CSAC membership promptly. BSAC headquarters sends out reminders prior to your membership renewal date. In order for you to continue to enjoy the facilities provided by BSAC membership, including 3rd party liability insurance cover and the facilities provided by Clydebank Sub Aqua Club, you should ensure continuity of your membership. So, please check your membership renewal date. Thanks.

Scotsac/SAA/PADI and other training agencies
At Clydebank Sub Aqua Club we welcome experienced divers (at least 14 years old) from other training agencies such as Scotsac, SAA and PADI. All diver training agencies have the same aims, namely, to teach you to dive safely and confidently. Where there are differences in the various diving qualifications, our Diving Officer and the Instructor team will be pleased to discuss any training needs, in order to meet the requirements of the relevant British Sub Aqua Club Diver Training Programme.


Please click the link to see the equivalent BSAC diving qualifications:

The Clydebank Sub Aqua Club ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING is normally held mid to late April each year.

At this meeting the Committee members give their Annual Reports. The Committee then steps down and a new Committee is appointed by all divers who are fully paid up members of BSAC and Clydebank Sub Aqua Club


Club Members will be kept fully informed regarding the date of the AGM, normally held at the Club premises.

PLEASE NOTE:There is no Pool Session on the evening of the AGM

Find us on Instagram, search: clydebank_subaqua_club

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